Ad Poetry




You trade in your old car for a new one

Or just use spare parts

A couple doen college kids squeeze in

Drinking and driving

But there are no spare parts for humans



This blog was a struggle for me because I prefer ads with little words and that are very minimalistic. Finding ads that could be made into a poem were hard. Also I can’t write poetry, so that was a struggle to. But overall this assignment was not as hard as I expected and I enjoyed looking at ads.


Ad Poetry

The Struggle is Real


I don’t feel like I have common little struggles but rather large overarching struggles.

My biggest struggle/problem is procrastination. Literally any little thing can distract me. Everyday I go home and plan on doing my homework immediately but somehow get sucked into watching 5 episodes of my fav show or a whole movie or both. This leads to my other problem/struggle, sleep. I know for a fact I do not get enough sleep and that affects my mood all day. I stay up all night trying to finish the work I could’ve done three hours ago.


Other than the struggles of procrastinating and not sleeping enough I have my biggest struggle. Keeping perspective. I talked about this problem in my chapel talk. I get sucked in to this material world and forget that materials are not what is important in this life. I have to constantly remind myself that I really don’t need that new pair of shoes or splurge on makeup. I have to zoom out and see what is really important; relationships with those around us. This struggle affects my mood in that when I’m being materialistic I get in an ungrateful mood to where I get self conscious or if I’m feeling grateful and remembering what’s important then I’m in a good mood.


These struggles really affect my mood so if I keep them in mind I can usually be in a better mood.

The Struggle is Real

My Loco Logo

So the idea behind my logos was my interest in veterinary medicine. The logo may come off as scary because of the whole fear factor behind injections and their association with euthanasia. However, injections in the horse world are more than likely there to help the horse. Injections help horses who have joint issues, anxiety, and pain. My logo and slogan would promote an equine injection of some sort, anything from helping with sport horses’ joints to horses who have anxiety with veterinarian work or procedures.

I have two pictures and slogans because I was indecisive.

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Top of the Line Medicine for Top of the Line Performance

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We give our best so that they can give theirs

My Loco Logo

The Future is Bright

My hope/plan for the future is pretty open ended. I have had the same hope for my life for the past couple of years and that hope is to just be happy with myself and whatever I’m doing. I want to cut down on the negative self talk and all the unnecessary stress I put on myself. I want to learn to except the things I can’t change and learn to be happy with how things are.

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I’m not saying that I’m going to settle for less I’m just saying be happy wherever you are. Life is as enjoyable as you make it. My advice really doesn’t have anything to do with yearbook but I think its applicable to a lot of things in life.

If I had to give yearbook advice for newcomers I would recommend just observing designs in everyday life and see what looks good to you and then try to see if you can incorporate it into the yearbook.

The Future is Bright

Wildcats 2017-2018

The theme for this yearbook is very different because the theme is classic. The colors would be the classic episcopal green, navy, grey, black, and white. In general the pages would have large clear pictures, use non serif fonts, use white space, and sometimes have black backgrounds. The end sheets would be white with a pressed/ textured Episcopal seal in the bottom right. On the back end sheets the seal would be on the left bottom of the spread.

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The front cover would be a large black and white picture showcasing the schools architecture. The title would be the word “Wildcats” in a raised AYT Melville font in a white with the “2017-2018” next to it in a metallic green in Rockingham Medium. The back cover would have a picture to something similar below in black and white.

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Down the spine of the book it would spell “Wildcats” vertically in white san serif font. with the date above written vertically in a thicker san serif font.

Student Life Spin Off: 


Academics Spin Off:


Sports Spin Off:


Organizations Spin Off:


People Spin Off:

“Episcopal People”

For the breaker pages and just the overall book, I would like large, very clear pictures to take up the majority of the page.


Wildcats 2017-2018

Graphic Design to Me


For me graphic design is a way for me to display information. Graphic design is my favorite part of yearbook. I love to layout pictures and see the flow of a page. Visual appeal is the most important part of the yearbook. Everything needs a pattern yet some diversity. Some color but also some white space. Not too many words but not too many pictures. Sometimes no words speak the most about an idea.

Everyday we are bombarded with graphic design in advertisements. we have learned to block out all the usual ads but every once in a while there is one picture or design that catches our eye. That eye catching moment is the goal that every graphic designer strives for. The biggest struggle for me in yearbook is creativity. Trying to come up with layout ideas for breaker pages  is the biggest time consumer for me. I am the most bland person I know and coming up with original, never before seen ideas is near impossible. However my favorite part of  yearbook is seeing my design in a book. That design is mine and it is a unique snowflake in the whole yearbook.

Graphic Design to Me

My Voice on BLM

No not the Black Lives Matter BLM, the Bureau of Land Management BLM. The BLM is responsible for managing the wild mustang and burro population. Mustangs live on government land that cattle farmers also use to graze their cattle. Because the mustang population is doubling and the land isn’t, something has to be done. Mustangs and their foals are starving to death because of over population.screen-shot-2016-10-16-at-9-04-58-pm


The BLM is trying to come up with solutions to the overpopulation crisis. Castration for every stallion and colt mustang is simply do difficult and the funds for an operation that large are non existent. Euthanising thousands of mustangs is not an appealing option. But letting them starve to death and freeze in the winter is not appealing either. The BLM has started “mustering”,  herding the horses into a pen, to freeze brand and adopt them out.



There are simply not enough people who can take the time to properly train a mustang to be safe and ridable. Therefore mustangs are just building up in the holding pens, costing more government money while more wild ones are breeding. Some of the mustangs are sold at large auctions to meat buyers who ship them across the border to factories to be made into pet food. Their death at factories is worse than euthanasia. The issue is going unresolved while the population continues to grow.

If you would like to know more info about mustangs and the BLM, you can watch my favorite documentary below.screen-shot-2016-10-16-at-9-26-49-pm(It’s aesthetically pleasing)

My Voice on BLM

Convincing Lies

A pressing topic has been  the building of a pipeline in Dakota that the indians claim encroaches on their native land. I have read the arguements against against the pipeline and the arguments for. Before doing my research, I was a strongly against the pipeline because I believe strongly in Native American rights. But after doing research on topic on the website,, I changed my views. The one thing that  threw me into the opposing view was the following picture:


This photo upsets me because someone, instead of making a valid argument with facts to support a legitimate cause, they framed the opposing side with lies. They portrayed the police as violent and as the bad guys. When this picture was revealed, I lost all credibility to the Standing Rock activists.

When making an argument, only use legitimate facts because the lies you tell will come back to haunt you and you will loose all credibility.

Convincing Lies

Bias in Media

With the political races going on right now, we see a mass of coverage over each delegate. I often see very different opinions on each one from different news sources. I started thinking, if I only watched of listened to one news source, what would I think about the candidates. I started searching online for examples of media bias. i could not find as many examples as I thought I would but here they are.


In the photos above, the magazines portray the candidates differently in that Romney is labeled a “wimp” while all those who appose Obama are called “dumb”. This bias is so obvious I begin to wonder if it is sarcastic.


On these magazine covers, the Obama and Michele are portrayed in a positive light while Sarah Palin’s new grandchild is associated with “Lies and Scandals”.


Here the Clinton’s new grandchild is called a “liberal crybaby”. This name calling of children is horrible. Any reporter that targets the child of a politician or celebrity in a negative way does not deserve to be published. Children should no be drug into the mess their parents have made.


I like this last picture simply because it shows how media can choose the facts you receive. You should always do your own research before you start arguing or believing.

Bias in Media

Why am I like this?

A personality can never be fully captured through words or pictures, but through a combo of both. I looked up gifs that show the characteristics of ENTJs. I have decided to show my personality through them.

E: Extrovert


I love to make people laugh and have fun. I get bored easily so I try to keep things rolling.

N: Intuitive


This means I use my gut reaction to interpret different situations. I rely on my instincts to help me filter all the “facts” the media throws at me.

T: Thinking


Why not take the time to think things
through? I like to walk into things with a game plan A and B.

J: Judging


This means exactly what you think it means. I used to love watching judge judy with my grandparents, looks like I learned something.

Why am I like this?